Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Maps and GNOME 48



In a few days it's time for the GNOME 48 release.

So it's time to make a wrap-up with the last changes in Maps for the next release.

 Redesigned Route Markers

One issue that has been addressed was that the old markers we used to mark the start and end locations for routes, being filled and hollow circle icons respectively could be hard to tell apart and actually see which is which.
So now to mark the start we show a marker containing the icon representing the mode of transportation.

 The “walk” icon is also used for start of “walking legs” in public transit iteneraries, so this way it's getting a more consistent look.

 Redesigned User Location Marker

This was already covered in an earlier blog post, but it might be worth mentioning especially now that we once again have WiFi- and Celltower-based positioning again thanks to BeaconDB (it's already enabled by default in Fedora 41, and I think some other distros as well). We now have the redesigned location marker, using the system accent color.


Transitous Public Transit Routing Migrated to new API

Furthermore the Transitous support has been migrated to the MOTIS 2-based API. This has also been backported to the 47.x releases (as the old API has been retired).
Also public transit routing in Finland will start using Transitous from 48. As Digitransit has slated the retirement of their old OpenTripPlanner 1.x-based API from late April it seemed appropriate to start using Transitous for that region now.

Transitous Talk at FOSDEM 2025

When mentioning Transitous I also want to mention that the recording of mine, Felix Gündling's, and Jonah Brüchert's FOSDEM talk around Transitous is now available at:

So, please enjoy this, and all the other improvements in GNOME 48 when you grab it! 😎

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